What Is The Salary of a Human Resource Manager?

Before you start researching what it takes to enter the field of human resource management, it is important to set aside time to research the average SALARY OF A HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER. Human resource managers plays a major role in organizations and agencies in both the public and private sector. Because there are so many different types of organizations employing this highly sought after professionals, the salary range can vary dramatically between regions and between professionals with different levels of experience. Median salaries are not one-size-fits-all. Read on and learn about the salary ranges you can expect as you climb your way up the ladder in human resource management.

What is the Average Salary Reported?

The very first step of researching your earning potential before you pursue a career is to find out what the average salary reported by all professionals in the field is. This average takes into account all of the national salaries reported in the occupation, including the lowest pay and the highest pay for very experienced managers. According to the basic market pricing report that was published by Salary.com, the medianĀ salary of a human resource manager in the United States is $89,072 per year.

Understanding the Range and What Affects an HRM Salary

Now that you know the median salary, you can expand your understanding of how much you can expect to earn with experience by learning more about the range. Based on surveys that were given to HR department managers in companies of every size and in every geographic region in the US, the lowest 10 percent earn about $67,158 per year. This is based on having a minimum of 7 years of experience working in HR. The 90th percentile in the field have reported earning up to $115,803 per year plus bonuses. As you can see, the range shows a variation of almost $50,000 per year.

There are a number of different factors that can affect your salary if you decide to become a human resource manager. One very big factor that can raise or lower your salary is the zip code where you plan on working. If you live in an area where there is a higher demand and a higher cost of living, you can expect to earn a salary on the upper end of the scale. The size of the employer you work for can play a role in earning potential as well. Smaller firms tend to have a lower budget than larger corporations, and in larger corporations HR managers will take on more responsibility. The added responsibility turns into a higher salary, more benefits, and in some cases performance bonuses.

The hiring demand for HR professionals is on the rise, and when demand is high finding a highly paid position is much more likely. If you want to find the best salaries, entering the field while the demand trend is on the rise is ideal. If you are serious about working your way up through the ranks, go to school and earn your degree. Once you have a degree, you can start as a generalist or an assistant and gain the experience that you need to qualify for an open Human Resource Manager position. The more experience you gain, the higher you will be on the salary of a human resource manager range.

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